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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Supreme Court Rules on Guns and Domestic Violence

By Julia Kefalinos |

Advocates for gun control are praising the Supreme Court’s recent ruling affirming that anyone who has a restraining order issued against them due to domestic violence (DV). This prohibition will be a huge step in protecting survivors of domestic violence, as the Court’s ruling solidifies the idea that restricting guns when it comes to… Read More »

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Is Jury Nullification Possible in Your Trial?

By Julia Kefalinos |

Jury nullification: is it a way to dodge a guilty verdict at the end of a trial? Actually, maybe it is. What is jury nullification, and what makes it so attractive in some cases? Jury Nullification Defined  There are sometimes cases in which juries believe that a defendant may be guilty, but they opt… Read More »

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Domestic Violence Among Older Americans

By Julia Kefalinos |

When we think of our grandparents, many of us envision a comfortable older couple enjoying a glass of lemonade on the front porch while rocking in their rocking chairs.  Of course, that’s a stereotype that is comfortable and pleasant, but one that couldn’t be further from reality for many older folks. Sadly, older generations… Read More »

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Can You Get Your Charges Dropped or Dismissed?

By Julia Kefalinos |

If you are facing criminal charges, you’re no doubt hoping for an outcome other than a guilty verdict. An acquittal would be fantastic, although it’s possible you could have the charges dropped or dismissed before the case ever makes it in front of a jury. How is that possible? Having Charges Dropped  When a… Read More »

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Bankruptcy Comes for All Kinds of People for All Kinds of Reasons

By Julia Kefalinos |

People file for bankruptcy for all kinds of reasons. If you’ve been considering it, chances are you, like millions of Americans, have been stressed about debt and see no other way out from under it. In fact, in the last year filings for bankruptcies have increased by 16 percent, with nearly half a million… Read More »

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Coercive Control and Domestic Violence

By Julia Kefalinos |

There are no bruises, no scars, no broken bones. But a controlling partner makes the relationship a torturous experience. While day to day life may not result in stitches or contusions, coercive control is a dangerous and sadistic form of domestic violence. What is Coercive Control?  Coercive control can be difficult to define, simply… Read More »

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Domestic Violence: Financial Suggestions

By Julia Kefalinos |

When most people think of domestic violence, (DV) they probably zoom in on the physical and emotional abuse that goes on. While these are, indeed, very serious, another often overlooked facet of DV is that perpetrators inflict financial abuse in nearly all cases, as well. It’s a control tactic that effectively holds victims trapped… Read More »

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Is Debt Forgiveness an Option for Your Credit Card Debt?

By Julia Kefalinos |

If you are feeling overwhelmed by credit card debt, you’re certainly not alone!  By the end of 2023, credit card debt had well exceeded a trillion dollars, with the average household in debt to the tune of nearly $8,000. The average APR on credit cards at that time was near 25 percent, but, according… Read More »

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First Steps When Facing Felony Charges

By Julia Kefalinos |

You don’t quite know what to think of your situation: you’ve just been charged with a felony! What will that mean for you? How should you behave? Should you answer all of the questions the police are throwing at you to prove that you are innocent? Should you do whatever it takes to get… Read More »

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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Means Testing

By Julia Kefalinos |

If you have been overwhelmed by debt in the state of Florida, you may be looking for a way out from under the pressure of debt collectors.  You’re not alone: nearly 27,000 Floridians filed for bankruptcy in 2022 alone.  One of the most common pathways out of debt is through a Chapter 7 bankruptcy… Read More »

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