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Category Archives: Domestic Violence


Supreme Court Rules on Guns and Domestic Violence

By Julia Kefalinos |

Advocates for gun control are praising the Supreme Court’s recent ruling affirming that anyone who has a restraining order issued against them due to domestic violence (DV). This prohibition will be a huge step in protecting survivors of domestic violence, as the Court’s ruling solidifies the idea that restricting guns when it comes to… Read More »

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Domestic Violence Among Older Americans

By Julia Kefalinos |

When we think of our grandparents, many of us envision a comfortable older couple enjoying a glass of lemonade on the front porch while rocking in their rocking chairs.  Of course, that’s a stereotype that is comfortable and pleasant, but one that couldn’t be further from reality for many older folks. Sadly, older generations… Read More »

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Coercive Control and Domestic Violence

By Julia Kefalinos |

There are no bruises, no scars, no broken bones. But a controlling partner makes the relationship a torturous experience. While day to day life may not result in stitches or contusions, coercive control is a dangerous and sadistic form of domestic violence. What is Coercive Control?  Coercive control can be difficult to define, simply… Read More »

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Domestic Violence: Financial Suggestions

By Julia Kefalinos |

When most people think of domestic violence, (DV) they probably zoom in on the physical and emotional abuse that goes on. While these are, indeed, very serious, another often overlooked facet of DV is that perpetrators inflict financial abuse in nearly all cases, as well. It’s a control tactic that effectively holds victims trapped… Read More »

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Domestic Violence Can Persist After Couples Break Up

By Julia Kefalinos |

When the romantic relationship between two women ended after seven months, Lilniece Harris didn’t take it well. The control she’d exacted during the relationship had given her power that she wasn’t ready to give up on.  So she used harassment as a tool to try to get what she wanted from her former lover…. Read More »

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When Domestic Violence Ends in Murder

By Julia Kefalinos |

To the families of domestic violence victims who lost their lives, the terror and misery of the abuse suffered will never be a distant memory. Instead, they will relive the moments of fear and anguish, asking themselves over and over again if there was something more they could have done to protect their loved… Read More »

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Guns and Domestic Violence

By Julia Kefalinos |

Power and control: that’s what domestic violence (DV) is all about. When an intimate partner engages in intimidation, manipulation, emotional or physical harm, financial domination, or other methods of domineering, it is domestic violence. It occurs across all ages, socioeconomic groups, genders, races, gender identities, and ethnicities, and hurts individuals, families, and society at… Read More »

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Pro Athletes Play in Spite of Domestic Violence

By Julia Kefalinos |

Although most people would say that it’s important to hold perpetrators of domestic violence (DV) accountable for their actions, there is some disagreement as to what that means in practice. In the world of professional sports, does it mean an abuser’s actions will be tolerated so that their participation in their sport is unaffected?… Read More »

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Police and Domestic Violence: When the Offender and Protector are the Same Person

By Julia Kefalinos |

Domestic violence is a crime that terrorizes victims and their families every single day. It can be emotional taunting and dehumanizing; physical abuse like hitting, kicking, choking, and biting; sexual violence; financial controlling; threats and harming of pets; and more. So when victims of this kind of abuse seek protection from law enforcement, they… Read More »

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Making Domestic Violence a Public Health Priority

By Julia Kefalinos |

When most people think about domestic violence (DV), they may imagine something that happens in far away places, dark and isolated.  It impacts just a minority of people, all of whom are part of a different world that is elsewhere.  But the truth is that domestic violence reaches its tentacles into many aspects of… Read More »

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