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Category Archives: Misdemeanors Felonies


Defense Of Criminal Mischief In Florida

By Julia Kefalinos |

Criminal mischief: it sounds like nothing too serious—maybe a little mischievous disruption—nothing more than a bit of silliness.  But the fact of the matter is, a number of activities could land you with a charge of criminal mischief, and the charge is anything but a joke. What Constitutes Criminal Mischief? A broad range of… Read More »

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When Does “Creepy” Conduct Rise to the Level of “Stalking” Under Florida law?

By Julia Kefalinos |

Stalking is a first-degree misdemeanor offense under Florida law. The legal definition of stalking is to “willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly” follow, harass, or cyberstalk another person. If the stalking involves making a “credible threat” against the target, the criminal charge becomes a third-degree felony. Individual victims of stalking may also seek an injunction against… Read More »

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