Monthly Archives: December 2018

How a Domestic Violence Arrest Can Affect Your Probation–Even Decades Later
A domestic violence arrest can have serious ramifications if you are already serving probation for a prior criminal offense. Indeed, if convicted, a domestic violence charge can provide sufficient grounds for a judge to revoke your parole and send you to jail. And Florida prosecutors are always quick to jump on any chance to… Read More »

Florida Supreme Court Rejected Challenge to Ex-Florida A&M Band Member’s Manslaughter, Hazing Convictions
Manslaughter is a state crime defined as the “killing of a human being … without lawful justification,” under circumstances that do not otherwise qualify as murder or justifiable homicide. In simple terms, manslaughter is an unlawful killing that is not premeditated. So even in cases where a defendant is simply negligent or reckless, they… Read More »