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When You’re Pulled Over for a DUI
You get a lump in your throat when you see those flashing red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. You are praying that someone else is being pursued, but your stomach lurches when you realize that it’s you that the officer is interested in. It’s bad enough to be pulled over—the panic really… Read More »

When Pets are Targeted in Domestic Violence
If you live in fear of an abuser, one of your best friends and sources of comfort may be a beloved pet. Pet lovers know that the love of a pet is one of the most companionable and satisfying relationships around—why else would so many people treat their pets as though they are human… Read More »

Emotions During Bankruptcy
There’s no putting a pretty spin on it: going bankrupt—whatever the reason—can be emotionally traumatic. Some have likened it to experiencing a severe physical illness. Despair is just one of the many feelings that may accompany financial duress. Some may be surprised to discover that there are some very positive emotions connected with filing… Read More »

Criminal Charges of Elder Abuse
You may think you’ve seen it all as an employee in a nursing home– patients with all manner of problems come in, and an exhausted staff relies on meager resources because those are the expectations and realities when it comes to the needs of multiple elderly residents. There’s no question that things could be… Read More »

Lethality Assessments Predict Serious Violence for DV Victims
Domestic violence is a serious problem in this country, directly impacting over 30 percent of women and 25 percent of men who have at one time or another suffered violence at the hands of an intimate partner. The domino-effects of domestic violence (DV) mean that the impacts on children and families, as well as… Read More »

Could My Charges be Dropped?
Have you been charged with a crime? You may be hoping that the charges you’re facing will be dropped or dismissed, eliminating all of the stress and expenditures of a trial under certain circumstances. Dropped and Dismissed Charges are Not the Same Thing There’s a small but distinct difference between having your charges dropped… Read More »

Bankruptcy Exemptions
If you are thinking about filing for personal bankruptcy, you may be especially worried about having to part with your possessions. It’s a legitimate concern—since that is precisely what happens in many bankruptcies. Understanding the rules and laws related to exemptions is important before you take the plunge into bankruptcy. Exempt and Non-Exempt Property … Read More »

Testify Against Your Abuser in DV Cases
She was stabbed to death while pregnant. Ms. Chilel was 20 weeks pregnant, and was the mother of two, when the father of her children went into a rage and killed her. Neighbors commented that the admitted killer had the face of a madman and was prone to extreme jealousy. It was only after… Read More »

Bankruptcy: Should You File Before or After the Holidays?
If financial problems have you in a quandary and you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you are not alone. In 2023 alone, nearly half a million bankruptcy filings occurred, compared to just about 390,000 filings the previous year. After decades of a decline in the number of bankruptcy cases, the numbers are inching upwards… Read More »

Voter Intimidation is Illegal
Although you thought you were acting patriotically when you chatted up fellow voters, you’ve been arrested and charged with voter intimidation. What constitutes voter intimidation, and what should you do about these charges? Defining Voter Intimidation Voter intimidation is a federal crime, and is spelled out in U.S. code as intimidation, threats, or coercion… Read More »