Tag Archives: Florida criminal charges

Can a Police Officer Tell the Jury I’m Lying Based on My Body Language?
In many Florida criminal cases, a police officer serves as a key witness for the prosecution. There’s good reason for this. Prosecutors know jurors are often deferential to the testimony of a police officer, which makes a conviction more likely. But it is important to remember that the police are not infallible. Nor are… Read More »

What Happens When Video Evidence Contradicts an Officer’s Testimony in a DUI Case?
Many Florida police departments are now equipping their officers with body cameras. These devices record encounters between police and individuals, such as during a traffic stop where the officer suspects a DUI. In addition to promoting police accountability, evidence obtained from cameras can be useful in corroborating or disproving an officer’s testimony in court…. Read More »

What Happens When a Court Does Not Give a Defendant a “Speedy” Trial?
If you are charged with a felony or misdemeanor and awaiting trial, you understandably want your case resolved as quickly as possible. Indeed, the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees all criminal defendants the right to a “speedy” trial. But what exactly does “speedy” mean? Miami Man’s Conviction Reversed Due to Yearlong… Read More »
Even Florida Sex Crimes Must Be Proved “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt”
Sex crimes are a serious matter in Florida. Even something as simple as the uninvited touching of another person can brand a person as a felon and a sex offender for life. That is why it is important to take any Florida sex crimes charge seriously and to zealously assert your right to due… Read More »
Can You Be Denied an Attorney in a Florida Criminal Case?
If you are facing jail time for a criminal offense, you might just assume you have the right to the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer. After all, doesn’t the Constitution protect the right to counsel? It turns out the answer is, “Not in all cases.” The Florida Supreme Court recently addressed the right… Read More »
Domestic Violence Charges No Excuse for Taking Judicial Shortcuts
If you have been accused of domestic violence, you have the same rights as anyone else accused of a crime. It is not enough for an accuser to present unsubstantiated allegations. Before granting a domestic violence protection order, a judge must determine there is “competent, substantial evidence” supporting the accusation. You also have a… Read More »