Domestic Violence Destroys Lives

The shock of violence is staggering. Relationships that may have started out blissfully sometimes take a dramatic turn to darkness, leaving victims unsure how to protect themselves emotionally, mentally, and physically. Victims often question their own responsibility for the violence, blaming themselves for not being “enough.” Whether violence is new to your relationship or has been ongoing for decades, the truth is this: you deserve better.
It can Happen to Anyone
Domestic violence is a very real and very frightening part of life for many across the country. Sadly, 33 percent of women and 25 percent of men have experienced a physical altercation at the hands of an intimate partner at some time in their lives. Some experts estimate that there are 20 such incidents every minute somewhere in this country. The violence might be between married partners, those who are dating, or parents and children. Statistics indicate that one in five incidents of violence are directed toward family members and friends or others who intervene on behalf of a victim. Domestic violence might take the form of stalking, threats, emotional abuse, property destruction, sexual assault, physical abuse, and in the most extreme cases, murder. It occurs in high schools and nursing homes, and everywhere in between. Florida is no exception to the epidemic of violence. In fact, over 9,000 incidents of domestic violence were reported in Miami-Dade during 2018. Recent incidents in the state are hair-raising:
- In October 2020, a young mother was murdered by her husband in St. Johns County;
- A Hialeah woman was ferociously attacked by an ex-boyfriend who broke into her apartment in early 2020;
- A Coral Gables incident involved a world champion boxer striking a woman in the face in a public venue;
- A Miami-Dade woman was stabbed to death by her estranged husband in late 2019.
Legal Help in the Face of Fear
If you are living in fear of violence due to threats, harassment, or stalking, it is important to reach out for interventions that can help. A restraining order may be necessary. There are several types of restraining orders. Your attorney can help you decide on the best measure and help you with your petition.
- Domestic Violence: for those who have lived with their abuser and are related by marriage or blood, or who have a child in common;
- Repeated Violence: for those who have experienced two or more incidents of stalking or violence within the past 6 months;
- Dating violence: for those who have been dating within the past 6 months and fear imminent danger;
- Sexual Violence: for those under the age of 16 who have experienced sexual battery, or who have experienced a sexual act in the presence of a child.
Advocating for You
At the Law Office of Julia Kefalinos, we fight vigorously for the rights of victims of domestic violence every day. Your life is worth it. Contact our Miami domestic violence attorneys for a confidential consultation today.