Tag Archives: Falsely Accused

Can I Sue Someone Who Falsely Accuses Me of Domestic Violence?
There are multiple reasons why someone might file a false domestic violence report. For example, in the midst of a hotly contested divorce or child custody battle, one parent might think they can gain the “upper hand” by accusing the other of abuse. Or perhaps one partner is an undocumented immigrant and the other… Read More »
Can the Police Enter My Home If I’m Accused of Domestic Violence?
If you are accused of domestic violence or under suspicion for any other state crime, how you deal with the police is critical. Remember, you have a constitutional right not to speak or be compelled to incriminate yourself. The police may also not conduct an “unreasonable” search of your home, car, or other property… Read More »
What the Supreme Court’s Latest Decision Means for People Accused of Domestic Violence
A domestic violence charge can have a long-lasting impact on someone who has been falsely accused of hurting a spouse, domestic partner, or family member. In their zeal to protect genuine victims of abuse, federal and state legislators have passed a number of laws designed to take away basic civil liberties from individuals convicted… Read More »
Domestic Violence Charges No Excuse for Taking Judicial Shortcuts
If you have been accused of domestic violence, you have the same rights as anyone else accused of a crime. It is not enough for an accuser to present unsubstantiated allegations. Before granting a domestic violence protection order, a judge must determine there is “competent, substantial evidence” supporting the accusation. You also have a… Read More »