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Monthly Archives: May 2023


Florida Probation

By Julia Kefalinos |

If you are one of the 146,000 individuals who have been sentenced to serving time on probation in the Sunshine State, you’re a lot better off than those who are stuck behind bars.  Nonetheless, probation is not a free ride, and you will have to get used to a lot of rules, and to… Read More »

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What Impact Does Christianity Have On Domestic Violence?

By Julia Kefalinos |

Domestic violence is everywhere.  It impacts males and females, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, education level, or economic status.  How about religion?  Does it affect who suffers from domestic violence?  The research reveals some interesting answers. Statistics on Domestic Violence  Every minute of every day, 20 people experience physical abuse at the hands… Read More »

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Financial Fragility And Bankruptcy

By Julia Kefalinos |

Many households in America are on shaky ground financially, making the possibility of a future bankruptcy filing all too real on the horizon.  With half of households in this country surviving on a month-by month basis, it wouldn’t take much to push one over the edge. How Serious is it?  According to recent research,… Read More »

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Florida DUI Defense

By Julia Kefalinos |

If you’ve been charged with a DUI in the state of Florida, you are facing some serious financial and legal consequences.  That’s why now, more than ever, you need an aggressive and experienced criminal defense attorney in your court. Challenges to the Charges  There are a number of lines of attack available to defense… Read More »

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Domestic Violence And Senior Citizens

By Julia Kefalinos |

Imagine it’s your grandmother.  She’s subjected to violence—sexual, physical, verbal, emotional—on a regular basis.  Or perhaps it’s a beloved uncle who’s battered around in his own home.  While it’s difficult to imagine that the most vulnerable among us are being abused, the fact of the matter is that it happens more often than any… Read More »

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